Nash overlays all of the Chaos Over-Hundred Numbers to summon Chaos Xyz Barian Hope, which is able to use each of their special abilities. Nash pays his life points until they drop to 1,100, in order to use the Chaos Over-Hundred Numbers' effects without detaching Overlay Units. Nash then attacks repetitively, destroying Utopia and reducing Yuma's life points to 1,200. After managing to survive Barian Hope's attack, Yuma comes to understand that Nash, refusing to use his Overlay Units, desires to fight alongside the souls of his friends. As Yuma and Astral enter ZEXAL III, Yuma discovers that the power coming from their duel is accelerating the fusion of the three worlds. As Hart encourages the people in Heartland City to support Yuma, Vetrix gets into contact with Kazuma, and the two of them use their power to hold back the worlds for as long as they can. Yuma uses the card he received from Eliphas, Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force, to evolve Utopia into Number 39: Utopia Beyond. Then, Yuma raises its attack points to 8,000 using a trap, and lowers Barian Hope's attack points to 0, using Utopia Beyond's ability. Yuma manages to destroy Barian Hope using Utopia Beyond; however, Barian Hope's destruction causes Nash to scream with rage at both Yuma and Astral.