Yuma and Astral are confronted by Alito, who challenges them to a duel with Tori's life at stake. As Alito uses The Seventh One to bring out Chaos Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus, Astral realizes that the Barian numbers were created by Don Thousand, and he is controlling Alito. Don Thousand reveals his presence to Yuma and Astral, and reveals that by collecting the 7 Mythyrian Numbers, they released the seal placed on him. He also reveals to them that he revived the 7 humans depicted in the ruins of the Mythyrian Numbers as the Seven Barian Emperors, because their souls were connected to their corresponding Mythyrian Numbers. Despite taking a lot of damage from Alito's attack, Yuma senses that his passionate dueling still resides within him. Wanting to bring Alito back to his old self, Yuma summons Heroic Champion - Excalibur, but his attack is stopped by Alito, who then summons Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk, which he equips to Comet Cestus. Managing to defend against his attacks, Yuma prepares to bet on Number 54: Lion Heart to awaken Alito's memories, despite the dangers that would be involved.