Number 96 finally obtains and masters the power of Chaos, and as a result, he begins to destroy Astral World, Barian World, and the Human World. Don Thousand informs Vector that Number 96 had gone out of control, and that his newfound powers are allowing him to destroy Barian World along with Astral World. As a result, Vector head off to find Number 96. As various supernatural disasters occur across the Earth, Number 96 appears and brings Yuma, Astral, Tori, Shark, and Kite to a Chaos Field, forcing Yuma and Astral into a Sphere Field that barrages them with lightning. As the duel goes on, Number 96 manages to summon Chaos Number 96: Dark Storm, before using the field spell Chaos Field to steal Yuma's Number 69: Heraldry Crest and Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon, and rank them up into Chaos Number 69: Heraldry Crest of Horror and Chaos Number 92: Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon. This allows Number 96 to effectively negate the effects of Yuma's Utopia Ray Victory. Number 96 then uses the ability of Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon, which prevents Yuma from activating card effects of cards on the field until the End Phase, making Yuma unable to avoid Number 96's attacks.