Yuma continues to be put under pressure by Vector as he decreases his deck size even further and revives Masquerade. Meanwhile, Shark and Kite summon Shark Drake Veiss and Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon respectively, while Mizar uses Barian's Force to summon Chaos Number 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, even though doing so means he loses 500 more life points due to Sargasso's effect. Just then, a black hole appears, threatening to swallow up the spaceship along with Tori and the others inside. Vector suggests that Yuma may be able to save them if he relinquishes all of his Numbers. As Yuma becomes conflicted between saving Astral and saving his friends, Tori urges him to keep dueling, while Orbital 7 arrives to assist them in getting the ship to safety. Yuma and Astral attempt to perform ZEXAL. Unfortunately, Astral was tainted with the power of Chaos and falls under its control, and forces Yuma to fuse with him, resulting in a Dark ZEXAL fusion.