As Dumon sends yet another Barian emissary, named Mizar, to Earth, Yuma continues to be plagued with nightmares about losing Astral. Noticing Yuma's lack of energy, Haru asks Tori to take him to Roku's place, where they again meet Kaze, who gives Yuma some spell cards from Roku. The next day, as Rio suddenly prophecises about a fearsome dragon, Yuma is confronted by Mizar, who traps him in a Sphere Field, forcing him into a duel. Determined to protect Astral, Yuma instantly summons Utopia, using one of Roku's cards to protect his overlay units from Barian's Force. To both Yuma and Astral's surprise, however, Mizar summons an Over-Hundred Number card, Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, which happens to be the dragon from Yuma's nightmares.