Kite summons the Xyz monster Starliege Paladynamo and manages to destroy Utopia, but Yuma manages to beat it with the Heroic Champion Excalibur he received from Nistro. Kite soon resummons Galaxy-Eyes, while Yuma summons Utopia Ray, but Kite manages to survive his attack by utilizing his own Spell card against him. Kite then brings out Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, which destroys itself with Utopia. Yuma activates a spell to revive Utopia and Utopia Ray, but Kite manages to use the same spell to revive Galaxy-Eyes and Neo Galaxy-Eyes and win the duel. After making a vow to one day beat Kite, Yuma takes a well earned nap. Meanwhile, in Barian World, a group of 4 Barian Emperors plot against Yuma and Astral, with Dumon telling his subordinates that since Yuma and Astral were a lot stronger than they thought, they will now have to intervene directly.