Kite manages to defend against Vector's attack, but both he and Shark start reeling from their injuries. As Hart notices the pain Kite and Yuma are going through, he activates his power and weakens the Sphere Field, allowing Yuma to reunite with Astral and use ZEXAL. Summoning the Zexal Weapon - Ultimate Shield, Yuma brings back everyone's monsters and power up Utopia Ray, allowing him to destroy Heart-eartH Dragon and defeat Vector, expelling him from Faker's body. However, Vector vows that they will pay, before vanishing. As the place starts to self-destruct and Faker falls down a hole leading towards another dimension, Kite and Yuma head down after him to try and save him, where they are suddenly confronted by Vetrix, who uses the last of his power to bring everyone to safety. Having been entitled to any wish for winning the WDC, Yuma decides to have a duel with Kite to finally settle things.