Faker reveals he plans to use Hart to launch the Sphere Field with Yuma in it into space, using the power of the Numbers to destroy Astral World. As Heartland Tower crumbles, Tori rushes in, where she encounters Kite under some rubble, managing to free him with help from Shark. Desiring to save both Yuma and Hart, Shark, Kite, and Tori join forces and head to where Yuma is. They are soon confronted by Mr. Heartland who sends endless waves of robots to stave them off. However, Orbital manages to hack into the power system, stopping the robots and delaying the cannon launch, although he ends up shutting himself down in the process. Astral then splits from Yuma and stays behind to help him escape the Sphere Field, leaving behind Utopia and Shark Drake. As Faker appears in person, Yuma, Shark, and Kite unite to confront him for one final duel.