The duel between Vetrix and Dextra begins, with Dextra seemingly having the advantage due to her increased life points and field advantage, instantly bringing out her Photon Papilloperative and setting up a powerful spell combo. She recalls how she trained with Kite and eventually fell in love with him, wanting to protect him as he protected his little brother, Hart. As Yuma and Tori arrive to spectate the duel, Vetrix summons out his Number card, Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage, using its abilities to turn Dextra's combo against her before using his powers on her to make her lose her will to fight. Yuma manages to bring Dextra back to her senses, as she summons Photon Alexandra Queen in an attempt to bring the duel to a draw, but Vetrix manages to negate her attack and defeat her, using his powers to take away her memories of Kite. Before leaving, Vetrix tells Yuma that he will be ready for him. Yuma is determine to get Vetrix for what he has done.