As the Tag Duel begins, Kite shows little willingness to work with Yuma, Shown by how he summoned Photon Field, when someone summons a photon monster, the others without photon monsters take 400 points of damage, knowing Yuma didn't have a photon monster in his deck. Yuma learns from Quattro about how Kite is gathering Numbers to cure Hart's illness, very accurate to Astral and Yuma's guess, and Yuma asked him (Kite) why he didn't tell him about Hart. Trey summons his Number card, Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech while Yuma summons Utopia, surprising not only Quattro, who earlier thought Yuma had no chance of winning because he had no numbers, but Trey and Quinton (who, while overseeing the ritual Vetrix is performing to gain Hart's power, is watching the duel on a screen) as well. However, Quattro then summons out Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder to destroy Utopia, but Yuma manages to protect Kite from his attack. Quattro then torments Kite by showing him Hart's torture, provoking him to summon Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, falling into a trap laid out by Trey, weakening Galaxy Eyes and preparing to deal massive damage to Kite.