Yuma manages to survive Nistro's attack, but finds he can't summon his Numbers without Astral around, so he decides he would have to deal without him or Utopia. Astral instructs Utopia to go to Yuma's aid, whilst Number 96 takes the other Numbers unto himself. He instantly tried to attack and corrupt Astral once he had the power to. As Yuma summons Utopia, Dextra summons her Xyz Monster, Photon Papilloperative, the same type as Kite's monsters, leading her and Nistro to learn of Yuma's involvement with Kite and the Numbers. Nistro also summons his Xyz Monster, Photon Strike Bounzer, bringing Yuma's life points down to 100. As Yuma struggles to think of a comeback, Tori and Flip help get his confidence back, which in turn helps to free Astral from Number 96's grip and come to Yuma's aid. Peeved by how Astral didn't come earlier, Yuma tells him to go back into the key. Astral stays, though, telling Yuma that 'all the pieces are in place'. Powering up Utopia, they attempt to defeat Dextra, but Nistro activates a trap that makes Utopia attack him instead, resulting in Yuma's victory. Dextra asks why he took the blow, and Nistro said it felt like the right thing to do. The kids that Flip tricked get their revenge by stealing all his heart pieces, disqualifying him.