As a Number Hunter named Fortuno retrieves more Number cards for Kite, Astral admits he is still too afraid to face Kite again. With Yuma refusing to tell them anything, Tori, Bronk, Caswell, Flip and Cat decide to form a Numbers Club and find out the secrets behind the Number cards. There investigation leads them to Fortuno who, after telling them about the Numbers, traps them. As Cat escapes to inform Yuma, Fortuno possesses her and tells Yuma to come and duel him in order to free his friends. Despite Astral's fears, Yuma goes to face Fortuno, who puts in a deep spot by seemingly reading his cards and bring out his Number card, Number 16: Shock Master. Worse yet, Fortuno reveals that as Yuma loses Life Points, the platform suspending his friends above a pit of lava starts to collapse.