Sarina punished Frost and Thunder for not taking Jaden by sealing their souls in cards using a mirror. She then summoned two more members of her Light Brigade, Blaze and T-Bone, and sent them to take care of Jaden. While Jaden and the rest of the Slifer Reds camped outside, Mr. Motou came back to serve some sandwiches. Blaze and T-Bone joined the group for some food and then challenged Jaden after finding out who he was. Sarina sealed Blaze's soul in a card for T-Bone to use and the two squared off. T-Bone used his earth deck, but then combined the powers of the other Light Brigade decks in order to gain the advantage. Jaden won using Neos and Sarina sealed T-Bone away and then said Jaden will have to save his friends, Syrus and Hassleberry, at the virtual dome in Kaibaland.