Chazz travels to a cave outside of the city and to meet with the mysterious witch, Sarina, Sartorius' sister. He was sent to get her while Sartorius met with Seto Kaiba at Kaiba Corp. He asked for permission to use his amusement park, Kaibaland, for just one day. Kaiba allowed it, but told his guards to keep an eye on Sartorius for safety measures. Meanwhile, Jaden found Mr. Motou in an alleyway and Aster, who came to help, said that he could see the giant duel spirits around the city. As for Hasslebery and Syrus, they took advantage of Frost and Thunder's lousy teamwork and combined their strongest monsters together to gain the upper hand, but Frost used a trap card that countered their attack and took out their life points as well as Thunder's. Afterwards, Frost met up with Jaden and Aster and gave them a clue to the whereabouts of their friends: look for a higher altitude.