It's sports day at Yagami High, and 2-C and 2-D are determined to use the occasion to settle some old scores. The main sporting event of the afternoon is a school tradition, the Cavalry Battle, where teams of male runners carry a girl rider and the girls try to steal one another's coloured headbands while not falling off. Mikoto is narrowly saved from a flying kick to the face by Imadori but ends up being disqualified anyway, while Tenma is knocked down by the truly fearsome Tennouji. Eri and Harima successfully take out Tennouji, but are disqualified when Eri takes a dive to recover Harima's lost hat. With Harry McKenzie and Lala dominating the field, it looks to be all over for 2-C until their last remaining team, Hanai and Karen, pull off some truly astonishing moves.