There is a terrific uproar in 2-C as news arrives that Itoko will be modelling for an art exhibition with the title "Nude". While most of the boys in class are enthralled, Harima and Hanai are uninterested until it turns out that Tenma and Yakumo will be "helping" too. Later, Sara Adiemus wants to promote her local church as an ideal venue for weddings, but has no photographs to put in the brochure. The following evening is the night of a meteor shower, and Tenma and friends make plans to go and see it and make wishes on the shooting stars. However, it rains so hard they can't go out. Everyone ends up celebrating the meteor shower in his or her own way, while Karasuma, in his kappa outfit, is the only one able to go out. Tenma writes her wishes on paper before falling asleep, and Yakumo, finding them, is deeply touched by Tenma's wish to "become a reliable sister who can take good care of Yakumo".