Blood (BB) arrives in Japan and takes Seigi to the Aryabahta High Order Physics Lab. This is the Kingdom’s base for tattoo research in Japan where they are studying the noise-cancelling system to neutralise tattoos. They break in and encounter the mad Mr. Genius (Dr. Karam) and his fighters who have copy tattoos and are also booby trapped to explode if they are rendered unconscious. BB manages to defuse the bombs, defeat the fighters and neutralise Dr. Karam and his assistant Manisha using his skills and experience as well as his powers. Aryabhata leaves Iltutmish and Cal Shekar to defend the lab and departs. BB and Wiseman agree that Aryabahta must be stopped now because if she gains control it will be impossible to stop her later. He starts training Seigi. Later, he explains to Izzy that the four ruins are the keys to controlling the tattoos, and The Kingdom already has two. Wiseman gives BB an experimental nanomachine capsule to swallow then BB enters a sealed chamber to access and modify the source code of his tattoo.