After spending some time together, the lovers go their separate ways again, with Juliet leaving for Mantua. William's play is underway and during the performance Juliet revives the Red Whirlwind ego. She plans to lead the citizens of Neo Verona not as the daughter of Capulet, but as the Red Whirlwind and that night Curio and Juliet discuss the story of how Juliet became the Red Whirlwind in the first place. As word spreads about the Red Whirlwind's revival, the people start to revolt. Rallying the townspeople for the Capulets' rebellion, Juliet attacks a major hidden fortress that housed the majority of the Montague's Pegasi troops and captured the town gate of Neo Verona. At the top of the gate, she rallies the populace against Montague's rule. After nearly getting shot in the head with an arrow, her true identity as a Capulet is revealed to the townspeople.