When they receive word that the miners will never return to Neo Verona, Romeo reassesses whether they will live in Elbe. Juliet hears news of Camilo in town and moves to engage him. Surprisingly, they meet Tybalt who has taken residence there. He then tells Juliet that he is a son of Montague after Montague seduced a Capulet woman to look for information after abandoning her. Titus blackmails Lord Montague to adopt his son, Mercutio or Montague's past will be revealed. Montague seemingly accepts the offer, but for betraying him Montague kills Titus in a sparring 'accident'. Tybalt reveals to Juliet that Montague was the son of a prostitute and his father was a Capulet noble. Since his father abandoned him and his mother died, he was adopted into the Montague family, poisoned the heir so he would become the next ruler of the family and killed the Capulets to fulfill his ambitions and to take revenge on the Capulets for what they did to him and his mother. Tybalt furiously promises to kill Montague for all that he has done, but Juliet says Tybalt is acting like Montague himself. Tybalt questions if Juliet hates him, but Juliet says she loves him, because of her love for his son.