For betraying him, Romeo is banished from the keep by Lord Montague, and gives him authority over the Gradisca Mines. He is not allowed to return until the mine doubles its production, but Romeo vows their fight is far from over. He arrives to find the mines filled with small-time criminals, and decides to work in the mines himself to increase production. He befriends a sickly worker, Petruchio. Meanwhile Juliet and her allies move out of Neo Verona to travel to Mantua. Francisco tells Juliet to forget about Romeo, but she tells him that she can't because of the vows they made to one another. Over a small period of time, Petruchio gets sick, and dies. Romeo then learns the truth from Giovanni of how Petruchio was imprisoned. He also tells him the real difference between Nobles and Commoners, while Romeo cries over Petruchio's grave.