Goku teams up with Dokugakuji, Lirin, Yaone, and Kougaiji to break down the village barrier. Kougaiji and his team take care of the villagers, who are being controlled by Suika, while Goku runs into the inn. He finds memory-versions of Hakkai, Gojyo, and Sanzo trapped in cacoons, and he frees them all. While the memories return to their respective owners, Suika finds Goku and traps him in an eternal memory of the bird he used to watch from his cave, the little creature dying again and again. Sanzo and the others catch up with the two, however, and kill her. A while later, Goku wakes up, and the others act as though nothing has happened. (Which makes Goku irritated until he realizes he's just glad they're back to normal.)