Jonathan, an old friend of Geppetto's, comes to visit and Pinocchio accidentally damages the crutch he carries while playing with it. Later that day Pinocchio finds an unusually large fish while playing with the other boys and Johnathan tells them that it likely came from the Phantom Spring, which is said to have magic properties that would have made the fish grow and Pinocchio decides that it will not only make him human, but an adult as well. The next morning he sets off to find the pond and he runs into two of the other boys who plan to fish there, when the three find it they convince Pinocchio to help them catch a fish, only to run off and leave him in the pond once they have their prize. While trying to get home the puppet notices that he's having increasingly more trouble moving his legs and realises that he's grown roots and branches; the pond has made him grow into a small tree, soon a man wanders by, digs him up to sell and forces him to sing for the guests at a dinner party. Later the Oak Fairy appears to him, but cannot change him back to normal until he performs a selfless act, meanwhile word of the singing tree reaches Geppetto but by this time Pinocchio has already been sold and loaded onto a ship. In the ship's hold with him are several children who have been captured and will be sold as servants overseas, who Pinocchio rescues when the ship sails into a storm by allowing them to hold onto him until a rescue boat appears. Though he's mistaken for a piece of driftwood and left behind in the water, the Oak Fairy returns him to normal and helps him return to Geppetto.