Geppetto falls gravely ill and the village Doctor informs Pinocchio that the only hope for his father is the herb of life, a medicinal plant that grows on snake mountain, but retrieving it is so dangerous that only one person has ever successfully done so. Despite his father's insistence that it is not worth the risk, Pinocchio sets off to snake mountain; however Jack, Willie, and Charlie are also planning to retrieve the herb in order to win Geppetto's gratitude and sabotage Pinocchio by switching the sign. After briefly being distracted by an invitation from a group of children, the puppet finds out he's been going the wrong way and arrives at the cave on snake mountain in time to save the three animals after their plan to drug the three-headed snake guarding the herb backfires. Unfortunately this results in Pinocchio being eaten by one of the heads, the Oak Fairy appears and although she's not able to use her magic to help him, she tells him that he can save himself with the knowledge that each head is ruled by a single trait: greed, pride, and jealousy. Using this Pinocchio throws his voice to impersonate each head and use their traits against them, causing them to fight each other to the death and allowing him to escape unharmed. However the three animals have already made off with the herb, though he's disappointed he won't be able to keep his promise, Cricket reminds him that as long as his father recovers that's all that matters and later helps him notice the herb on a nearby ledge (having been dropped when Jack, Willie and Charlie's own bickering causes them to fall off). Once home Pinocchio is able to prepare the medicine and cure his father, though he's eager to share his story the puppet soon falls asleep.