When Pinocchio catches a boy stealing candy, the boy's father claims he can make him real using a magic ring in exchange for either 100 gold coins or Geppetto. Though the test initially seems to work and he enjoys being able to feel and taste things, he is reluctant to trade his father until Geppetto hears the story and volunteers to be given to the magician and Pinocchio promises to save up the 100 coins needed to get him back. However, he isn't able to support himself and doesn't want to work, when he begins to doubt whether he wants to be a human after all the Oak Fairy appears and explains that he hasn't really become human and that even the unpleasant parts of being human can be rewarding, as well as how to change himself back to normal. She also sends a crow named Georgio to help keep him in line and together they try to reverse the deal, but end up being locked up with Geppetto who has been forced to carve poorly made puppets for the magician to use, however that night Pinocchio manages to reverse the ring's effect on himself. Over the following weeks he's able to execute his plan to escape by having the other puppets help people throughout the town instead of committing crimes for the magician and allowing himself to be beaten in the other puppet's stead as he can no longer feel it, eventually causing the magician to run out of money and allowing Georgio to steal the ring, undoing its magic and forcing the magician and his son to become beggars.