Pinocchio meets Johnny, a boy in his class who is under pressure from both his parents who have different plans for him: his mother wishes for him to study to become a doctor, while his father wants him to take over the family business and become a chimneysweep. Johnny himself feels he can achieve neither of these things and wants to choose his own path, though he has no idea what he wants from life and envies Pinocchio not having to face any of the pressures he does. Meanwhile, a stray cat named Nora convinces Pinocchio that he can become human if he acquires a human heart and after overhearing Johnny talking about how much he hates his life is convinced that he should take Johnny's, not understanding the implications of doing to or that Nora has a vendetta against Johnny for accidentally killing her kitten (the scene is removed from the English dub and is changed to him having once thrown a rock at her). That night Pinocchio sneaks into Johnny's house and steals a toy elephant, thinking it was a heart because it was carefully wrapped up, upon learning what a heart really is he returns with one of his father's chisels and wakes Johnny when he attempts to cut his heart out, the resulting ruckus wakes his parents who try to kill Pinocchio for his actions. Johnny intervenes and explains how unhappy he's been allowing both the family and the two children to reconcile and Johnny decides to take over the family business after hearing of why his great grandfather started it, meanwhile Pinocchio is disappointed he wasn't able to become human, the Oak Fairy then appears and explains to the puppet why his actions were wrong.