Spring is beginning and Geppetto warns Pinocchio not to go near the river during this time as there's a greater risk of him falling in the river and being swept over the waterfall, meanwhile Charlie the mouse is becoming jealous of the attention Pinocchio is getting. The Cricket appears to Pinocchio and tells him that he's promised to help keep him on the strait and narrow, though the puppet has no interest in his advice; later when he's praised again for the good marks he got at school Charlie resolves to be rid of him. The next day Charlie goes to see Jack the Fox and Willie the Weasel and entices them with the promise of the deviled egg sandwiches he knows are going to be packed in Pinocchio's lunch that day before suggesting they lure the puppet to the river and push him in to get the lunch package away from him, though Jack and Willie initially think Charlie's suggestion is a bit drastic they eventually agree. When Pinocchio shows up the three animals lure him away to the river claiming that they're going to watch the spring mole wrestling tournament, despite the efforts of Cricket to keep him on the path to school, and once they arrive there Jack takes his lunch box and Charlie pushes him in the river. Pinocchio manages to save himself from going over the waterfall with the help of Cricket and the Oak fairy and makes his way home, but ends up collapsing from exhaustion, Geppetto soon finds him and takes him home to treat his fever; meanwhile Charlie begins to worry about his plan being found out when Pinocchio wakes up, when Geppetto leaves to gather medicinal herbs the mouse attempts to cut the puppet's head off, only for his attempts to be thwarted by Cricket. Unfortunately he eventually manages to throw Cricket out of the way and decides to bite through the puppet's neck.