The Pharaoh, Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan arrive in Egypt and meet up with Marik. The Pharaoh presents the Egyptian God cards to the stone tablet, and his spirit is sent five thousand years into the past, to when he was still alive and reigned as King of Egypt, even as Yami Bakura uses his connection to the Pharaoh's Millennium Puzzle to hitch a ride back into the past, intending to finish the battle he started then. Yami Bakura's departure into the past causes the spirits of Rex Raptor, Weevil Underwood, and Mokuba to be released from the Shadow Realm (not shown on screen). Later, Yami Bakura completely takes over the body of his ancient alter ego, Bakura the Thief King, and frees him from his guards. Soon, his minions arrive, and free him from his chains. Then, Thief King Bakura (now under the control of Yami Bakura) raids the previous Pharaoh's tomb and heads off to the royal palace to claim the seven Millennium Items.