The line-up for the Duelist Kingdom semi-finals is determined: Mai will battle Yugi in the first match while Joey faces off against Bandit Keith in the second match. Once everyone is settled in for the night, Tristan, Téa, and Bakura set out to find on how Pegasus had "cheated" in his match against Kaiba. They are soon trapped by Pegasus in an underground chamber and he is about to claim their souls when Yami Bakura unexpectedly emerges and blasts Pegasus with the power of his Millennium Ring. He then tricks everyone into thinking that the entire ordeal was just a dream while secretly planning his own revenge against Yami Yugi. Meanwhile, Yugi speaks to his Grandpa in a dream of his own and is warned by him that Pegasus must be stopped before he risks causing Armageddon to the entire world and its people.