Understanding Yusho's teachings to be correct, Aster and the Tyler sisters decide to join forces with Yuya and the Resistance. They encourage the other Duel Academy students to do the same. Back at the Duel Sanctuary, Aster explains that there is a way to restore those who have been turned into cards. Aster helps Yuya, Gong, Sylvio, and Kite travel to the Fusion Dimension to recover the cards Duel Academy has captured. Meanwhile, Dennis ambushes the You Show Duel School and challenges Yusho, his former teacher, to a duel. However, Yusho manages to use his Dueltaining tricks to distract Dennis, while everyone escapes. As Zuzu and Yugo make their escape, Yugo disappears when Yuya and the others arrive. Meanwhile, Dennis brings out a familiar face to go up against Yuya.