On the second day of the championship, Gong is set to duel against Grizzlepike Jones, a former student of Gong's family dojo who often bullied Yuya. However, Grizzlepike has his lackeys ambush Yuya in an attempt to weaken Gong's heavystrong spirit. Gong prepares to perform a Synchro Summon, but Grizzlepike manages to take control of his Tuner monster, further taunting him with the unknown circumstances Yuya is in. However, Zuzu manages to assure Gong that Yuya can handle himself. This allows Gong to place his faith in Yuya. Grizzlepike brings out his ace monster, Shaman Battleguard, to take control of Gong's monster, but Gong, supported by the safe arrival of Yuya, manages to bring out Susanowo and win the match.