Gong starts training with Kit, while Sora manages to obtain his sixth victory and earn a spot in the Junior Arc League Championship. Meanwhile, Aura continues to put pressure on Yuya with both her fortune telling and her Flip Monsters, using an Action Card to place a lock on Yuya's deck. Despite a chandelier collapsing, Yuya manages to overcome Aura's prediction and grab an Action Card to remove the lock. Drawing Zuzu's Polymerization card, which he had accidentally put in his deck during the morning rush Yuya manages to fuse Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Stargazer Magician to summon Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, using its power to defeat Aura. Returning the Polymerization card to Zuzu, Yuya becomes determined to seek out new ways of evolving Pendulum Summoning, but is first met with dubious affection from Aura.