Due to the poison, Hak becomes too weak to fight off more soldiers. He is driven off the cliff, yet he manages to perilously hang onto the edge with one arm. Tae-Jun grabs Yona by her hair in order to prevent her from moving, but Yona uses Tae-Jun's sword to cut her hair and free herself. Yona attempts to pull Hak up onto the ground, but they instead fall off the cliff into the valley below. At night, Tae-Jun reports to Soo-Won that Yona and Hak are assumed dead, showing Yona's recovered hair as proof. As dawn rises the next day, Soo-Won remembers when Hak promised to serve under him if he were to marry Yona. Soo-Won is finally crowned king during the coronation ceremony with his ambition to restore the kingdom to its former glory. Meanwhile, Yona wakes up in a hut to a caretaker named Yoon, who is currently treating Hak for his wounds as he is currently unconscious. As Yoon's guardian Ik-Soo arrives, it is revealed that Ik-Soo is the oracle.