Moroha, Lord Takechiyo and Hachiemon are on their way to recover Moroha's shortbow and arrows from the rouge raccoon-dog Shogen Mamaiana and take shelter in a cave. In an inn, Setsuna is hauled up as she experiences what is like to be fully mortal for the first time in an entire decade; her already long black hair hair growing to nearly reach her caves and her eyes turning from blue to brown. Knowing how useless she is, Setsuna gives Hisui written instructions on how to deal with the demons that have come for. While building a hang guilder, Hachiemon tells Moroha the story about how the Shogen and Full Moon Raccoon-Dog, the guardian spirit of the whole tribe, were defeated by Inuyasha and Kagome Higurashi, Miroku and Sango...