Towa and Setsuna are attacked by a gigantic earth-type rock demon due to them being the twin daughters of the mighty Sesshömaru, with the belief that destroying them will make him mighty as well. Towa is about to beat him with her newly acquired Zanseiken, but again hesitates as he appears "guilty" for actions. As Towa's overly kind heart and unwillingness to kill nearly gets her killed herself, Setsuna defeats the rock demon with a blast of pure demonic energy from her Yukari no Tachikiri. As their adversary splits into three child-like earth demons and flee with the promise to attack again, Setsuna informs her twin sister that it may be best for Towa to return to the modern era as she believes that she is perfectly capable of saving their mother Rin and putting an end to Lord Kirinmaru single-handed...