The episode begins with Harry Champ, who is shown to qualify for the Royal Cup via a lottery, which he wins, granting him entry into the Royal Cup. The Zaber Fangs (formerly the Tigers Team) also qualify, thanks to them being the top-ranked class B team. The Royal Cup is a tournament held once every 4 years, open to all class A teams, and offers promotion to "Class S" (an extraordinarily prestigious class) as its prize. The Backdraft begin to reveal a plan to take over the Zoid Battle Commission, using the Royal Cup as a stage. Dr. Laon is put in charge of the Backdraft's Charged Particle Cannon, while Altile in put in charge of wagers and Sarah is assigned to oversee the Backdraft's attempted coup and is given complete control over the Backdraft's operations- much to Altile's frustration. To accomplish their goal, they enter Vega Obscura and his Berserk Fury as a legitimate combatant into the Royal Cup (as he had been on a rapid winning streak, and had quickly reached Class A). Teams are placed 6 miles apart on a 600 mile starting line somewhere on the Daegin Peninsula, with the first team to reach the finish line being declared as the victor...