This episode starts in the Backdraft Headquarters, with Altail confronting the Committee of Seven about the Ultimate X Zoids. Several of the committee are skeptical that Liger Zero is actually an Ultimate X Zoid, but Altail thinks that Liger Zero is definitely an Ultimate X, and that there may be more. He is shocked when the Committee decides that he will be assigned to finding the Ultimate X, sacrificing his position at Backdraft Headquarters. The scene then flips to the Blitz Team in mid-battle, easily taking out a team of six Rev Rapters. The team is talking after the battle, and Leena suggests that as a reward they go to the beach. Dr. Toros grudgingly agrees, but doesn't want to go because he can't swim. They pull up to the beach, near the area where Altail is conducting an underwater operation with hundreds of Maccurtis. Bit spots Vega standing on an overlook, and asks what he is doing there all alone, but he is taken away by Sara before Bit gets much out of him...