After Van starts coming back to the campsite, he is attacked by Denis in the Red Guysack, Denis tries to overtake him, but Van manages to win by opening the cockpit of the Guysack and knocking Denis out then taking the Guysack to fight at the other two. Then Stinger has all three, Irvine, Moonbay, and Rudolph tied on a pole and is playing some sick games with their heads. Later, Stinger reveals he was not doing this for fun, he had a defined objective all along. He wanted Zeke for himself, and whatever else he could his hands on. Stinger then tells Irvine to call out the organoid, but Irvine tells Stinger, Zeke would never take orders from him or Moonbay. He would only obey Van. Meanwhile, Van had just started a fight with the Dark Horn piloted by Rhoto. Van takes him out with an attack from underneath and leaves. At the whirlwind of light, Dr. D comes out and punches Stinger and Metelinick. Then Metelinick gets inside the Dark Horn and starts to attack Rudolph, and just as he is about to hit Rudolph, Van shows up in the Red Guysack. Then Stinger comes out in a Light Pink Saber Fang completely loaded up with ammunition and takes out the Guysack easily. Then Rudolph starts using Irvine's Command Wolf and attacks Stinger. In an attack from the Saber Fang, Van is thrust into the whirlwind of light where the Shield Liger is resurrected as the new and improved Blade Liger. With one move it takes out Stinger and then Metelinick escapes in the Dark Horn with Imperial Ring of Guylos. Moonbay winds up punching Stinger in the face, and both Fiona and Zeke make it back after resurrecting the Shield Liger.