After Van finally revives Zeke with the Zoid Magnite, Zeke needs some time to recover. Major Schubaltz joins and the Imperial unit is delayed due to an avalanche of rocks. The delay is really severe they are delayed at least 2 hours. Marcus believes that it had to have been a fluke. Major Schubaltz on the other hand believes this was no fluke, it was the work of Colonel Krueger and that he knew exactly what he was doing. The severe losses due to the Chronos Fortress and this delay with rocks was no fluke. It startes to rain and the roof starts leaking where Van and the others are at. Colonel Krueger gives the command of Mt. Osa base to Major Ford while he pilots the ZG (Gojulas) onto the front lines. At only fifty-percent of its true capability, the ZG still has firepower equivalent to twelve zoids. Irvine sneaks into the base and sees just what they are planning for the upcoming battle against the Empire. The advancing Imperial unit is caught by surprise with several sleeper Guysacks. The Iron Kong, under the control of Major Schubaltz, takes out all the Guysacks with just one round of its 70mm chain guns. Up above them under the cover of thick storm clouds, four Pteras' under the command of Captain Herman from Red River Base comes here to assist with the battle. Back at the deserted village Van asks Dr. D where he can find Irvine. With some reluctance Dr. D tells Van that he is at the Mount Osa Base. Van quickly gets in the Shield Liger and runs off to rescue Irvine. While in the Mount Osa Base, Irvine and Colonel Krueger are having a pilot to pilot talk with each other about the zoids. Captain Herman arrives at the base with his Pteras squadron, but instead of Colonel Krueger, Captain Herman will be piloting the ZG. The advancing Imperial unit makes it to the Mount Osa Base and starts attacking them, but unfortunately, Colonel Krueger is caught in one of the rounds and is hurt. Fortunately, it's not bad. Herman jumps into the cockpit of the ZG and starts his one-zoid barrage against the Imperial Army. Van makes it to the base safely and rescues Irvine right before he falls to the ground. He also learns that he does not need Zeke to access the power of the Shield Liger, that he can do it on his own. As Raven looks on, Herman takes out most of the Imperial Army forces, until Major Schubaltz starts retreating. After that Herman grounds the Gojulas.