After making it snow, Van and the rest head off to Mount Iselina. Mount Iselina is known for being treacherous. Meanwhile, Viola and Jarro are making plans to attack and get revenge on Van. In the middle of the fog of Mount Isolina, Van stops everyone so he can get his flying papaya, Irvine and Fiona go after him and get lost. Moonbay tells Van about the Shadow Monster story. Then some sort of Shadow Monster appears, it turns out that it was just the shadow of a Godos that was being piloted by a girl named Rosa. Viola and Jarro strategize that those punks (Van) would be at the colony that is in the middle of Mt. Iselina. Rosa takes Van and Moonbay to her colony, and that is where Van stocks up on food. The villagers are surprised at what kind of strangers these people are. They are also fascinated at the zoids that they carry. Then, Van and Rosa talk for a while and exchange stories. Viola and Jarro get there; they did not want to attack the village so they lured Van into a gorge with a lot of fog. Van quickly takes out Jarro the Pteras pilot with the same maneuver that he took out Captain Herman, with cliff to cliff jump maneuver. He takes out Viola with the help of Rosa and the Godos. Then Rosa and Viola have a sister to sister talk and Van is surprised that Viola is the sister of Rosa. Van covers for Viola and then leaves. Then, Moonbay and Van find Irvine and Fiona and they leave.