Mayura forces Miyuki to fight Yokai, telling him the test will end when he figures out which one is Masumi. Miyuki asks Mayura to stop, worried for Izumiko's safety, but Mayura says she would protect Izumiko from any harm. In desperation to help Miyuki, Izumiko reveals that Masumi has been pretending to be Manatsu this whole time. The party returns to reality, but Izumiko is too distraught and is left behind in the plane. Masumi calms her down, and shows her the way out. Manatsu gets a call telling him that Tabi (their first horse) is sick and he needs to get there as soon as possible as he is the owner. After spending days alone Manatsu has yet to come back; worried for him, Izumiko and Miyuki go to see him. Once there, they find out that Tabi has died and Manatsu is extremely depressed. Mayura arrives, but Manatsu and she argue over what is best for each other. Manatsu runs away with Masumi into a plane, supposedly, never to return.