Sherry reveals that Nicholas and Majirou attacked first. In a flashback, Brago calls Nicholas and Majirou weak and leaves, but counters when they attempt to attack him. Zatch angered by Brago, begins their battle. Zatch is at a disadvantage against Brago. Zatch uses "Bao Zakeruga" and Brago uses "Dioga Gravidon". Elsewhere, the Mamodo who made the announcement has been absorbing energy from the battle, and once there was enough energy, he opened a portal and dragged Kiyo, Zatch, Ponygon, Sherry, and Brago into the structure. The Mamodo who made the announcement reveals his name to be Maestro and reveals to Brago they are in the In-between World, a world between the Mamodo and Human world where Mamodo criminals are placed. Kiyo, Zatch, and Ponygon elsewhere also learn where they are, from a Mamodo in a nearby village. Maestro reveals a way for Sherry and Brago to return to the Human world and asks them to follow him.