Musica figures out that Ltiangle can turn objects invisible. Musica strategically strangles Ltiangle with his weapon, causing his defeat, but Musica ends up badly wounded. Meanwhile, Haru uses his sword to seal his mind for a second, allowing him to defeat Racas. This terminates the Prison of Spirits, as the group returns to the Tower of Din. Haru tells everyone else to head back to Ray Barrier City, while he prepares to fight alongside Gale against King. As they depart, Plue runs back to catch up to Haru. Claire, taking the form of a talking eagle, in a weaken state encounters the remaining group, noticing how Elie has a striking resemblance to Resha. Claire gives the Rave of Combat to Elie, so she can give it to Haru. Claire returns to her grave, as she says her farewells to Remi and the others.