Amira sees the statue of Bahamut, triggering a vision of the beast being freed. Meanwhile, the angels decide that Jeanne is worthy of becoming a Holy Knight to defeat Bahamut if he awakes. Amira tells the others how she was given her necklace by an unknown figure, promising to fulfill her dream in Helheim. The King summons the group and Amira identifies Jeanne D'Arc's lieutenant Lavalley as her father. The King then knights Favaro and Kaisar who is ecstatic to have his honor restored, while the angels grant Jeanne another holy weapon, the sword Precieuse. The injured Azazel confronts Belzebuth about scheming behind Lucifer's back, but Belzebuth incinerates Azazel, revealing that he's planning Judgement Day. The jealous King is tricked into thinking Jeanne is plotting his death after she is favored by the gods over him. That night Favaro and Rita take Amira to see her father, Lavalley. He reveals that Amira is half angel and half demon, that her mother is the angel Nicole and he is not her real father, but her human bodyguard. The demons kidnapped Amira when she was a baby and accelerated her growth, making her an adult in only 5 years. Amira was then duped into stealing the God Key and told her mother was in Helheim, but he uses the twin pendents reveal Nicole's true location, in Prudisia, the Valley of the Demons.