Azazel's demon legion descends on the city to claim the God Key while the humans go on the defense, but The King's forces fight a losing battle against the demons. A happy Amira appears before Favaro, claiming she just met her father. She then happily Gorges herself inside the kitchen while Favaro, Kaisar and Rita attempt to solicit information about her father from her. Azazel infiltrates the castle, leaving carnage behind as he seeks Amira who has now passed out. He taunts Kaisar about his father's death admitting his involvement, but Favaro takes the blame and challenges Azazel, buying time for Kaisar to hide Amira and the God Key. Eventually Kaisar returns to aid Favaro and Azazel reveals he is actually the killer of both their fathers. Kaisar recklessly charges Azazel to buy time for Jeanne who charges up her sacred spear Maltet and delivers a decisive blow to the distracted Azazel. With Azazel defeated, the tide of battle changes and the humans regain control. Favaro saves Kaisar from falling to his death, but when Rita goes back to collect Amira, she finds her missing.