In the demon capital of Cocytus, Azazel seeks an audience with the demon clan's leader Lord Lucifer but is sent away instead to capture the God Key. Favaro and the rest of his group are captured by knights and taken before the King in Anatae when three angels appear. They confirm that Amira is half angel and half demon and proclaim Amira, Favaro, Kaisar and Rita and must be kept safe to foil the demons who are trying to revive Bahamut. They are permitted freedom within the capital but cannot leave, although Amira insists Favaro take her to Helheim as he promised, but he refuses. The angel clan schemes to use Amira to their advantage as her emotional state is tied to the God Key for which she is now the vessel. Amira is lured from her room by a cloaked figure who possesses the same pendant as her, leaving her to wonder about his true identity. Favaro encounters Jeanne who explains Bahamut's original sealing and the legendary knight, a saint, who will be the one to seal Bahamut again. At the same time Azazel prepares his attack on the city.