Everyone gathered around the Simeon Tower watch as Blade and Arclight go head-to-head in battle. After Arclight counters Blade's threads and fireball, Disc deduces that Arclight has the same ability as Blade, but the former's power is much stronger than the latter's. The citizens try to evade the area, but Riru barricades them with dog-like Testaments surrounding the area. Riru, revealed as another one the four elite from the Simeon Tower, uses her ability of psychokinesis to raise a whole monument over the citizens as a threat for them to stay put. Blade goes into the tower alone upon Arclight's request. He enters a room called Shelter No. 3, a battlefield resembling that of a large-scale bedroom, where he will be fighting the Simeon Girl Squadron in order to save Eve from captivity. Disc uses her ability to scan in an attempt to reprogram one of the Testaments, while Teruyama does his very best to keep it from crushing her.