Two girls of the Simeon Girl Squadron, Setsuna and Kuchinashi, infiltrate the laboratory and destroy the rebuilt Testaments sent out by Disc. Eve fights Setsuna, one who can attack at great speeds, while Blade battles Kuchinashi, one who sprays a fragrance that allows her to paralyze and control his body. Afterwards, Disc activates the defense walls to prevent Eve and Blade from further damage. Mio then asks Cruz to take get to the restroom, handing him her stuffed teddy bear, which turns out to be very heavy, and knocks him unconscious. She is revealed as the third member of the Simeon Girl Squadron, having the ability of power, which gives her superhuman strength. Mio carries Cruz and exits with Setsuna and Kuchinashi out of the laboratory after Eve duplicated Setsuna's appearance to sound the alarm. However, Eve switched bodies with Cruz during that time, and she tries to take them all on. In the end, she ends up being their hostage.