Hikaru is rude to Haruhi's middle school friend, Arai, after learning that he used to have a crush on her. Haruhi slaps Hikaru who goes off to sulk. Kaoru invites her out on a date to make amends, but feigns illness in order for Hikaru to go with her. Kaoru hopes Haruhi can help Hikaru develop some social skills, but it seems hopeless when they again encounter Arai and Hikaru runs off just before a thunderstorm strikes. Worried about Haruhi, Tamaki calls Hikaru, accuses him of selfishness, telling him that Haruhi is afraid of thunder, thus revealing her weakness. Hikaru eventually finds Haruhi hiding under the altar of a church, where he comforts her and apologizes for his behavior. Kaoru remarks to Kyoya that Hikaru will not notice his feelings for Haruhi because he is a dummy, while Kyoya comments that their club is full of dummies.