The Host Club drags Haruhi to an Ootori-run water park where a wave pool separates Honey from the others. Haruhi and Mori set out to look for him and during their search, she learns that the two Hosts are cousins by marriage. Meanwhile, Kyoya hires his family's private police force, The Black Onion Squad, to look for Honey and arrest any suspicious people. The squad mistakes Haruhi for Honey and Mori as a suspicious person. Honey swings in on a vine, amazing Haruhi with his martial arts ability in subduing the guards who apologize profusely for attacking Haruhi and Mori and claim to be honored to be beaten by the great Mitsukuni Haninozuka, nationally-renowned martial artist. The Host Club reunites and Haruhi mentions that she would prefer visiting an actual beach.