Shirahoshi reveals that Megalo witnessed the assassination and told her about it, but chose to remain silent to honor her mother's last wish. Hordy attacks Neptune and Fukaboshi, Manboshi and Ryuboshi. Shirley informs a group of children that her predictions do not give out dates and the citizens call for Luffy to destroy the island. Just when Hordy is about to kill Neptune, Megalo finally spits out Luffy. Luffy hits Hordy with a single kick in the chest. Using her Mirage Tempo technique, Nami grabs the Celestial Dragon's letter and a group of keys to the royal family's shackles. As Robin releases the royal family and Jimbei, Franky uses the Gaon Cannon on the New Fishmen Pirates and Hoe flees with the princes. The Straw Hats regroup and Luffy tells the island's citizens to decide whether they are friend or foe.